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Java Script
Haiku (gedicht)
Cadavre Exquis (gedicht)
youtube comment
DADA Manifesto (Manifest)
Encyclopedie Tekst
Hello everyone sorry to disturb you if you have been reading the comments. (see link 1)
Your here because of the system (see link 2)
The police is not going to find me before tomorrow (see link 3)
Me and the other members of the Platypi Coverup Society believe it is for the best that you people know this, the government is trying to hide the facts. (see link 1)
The alarm clock rushes you on six o clock out of bed, we walk the dog, squeeze a orange for the children, breakfast, shower, get dressed, work, read, translate, phone, read, think up new things, drink coffee, a quick sandwich for lunch, do your groceries, cook, do the laundry, check childrens homework, sleep. (see link 4)

Were consumers, Yeah okay, okay, buy a lot of stuff, your a good citizen. But if you don’t buy a lot of stuff, if you don’t, what are you then i ask you? What? Mentally Ill Fact, Jim fact. If you don’t buy things: Toilet paper, new cars, computerized blenders, electric operated sexual devices, stereo systems with brain implanted headphones, screwdrivers with miniature built in radar devices, voice activated computers (see link 2)Dada Tzara, dada Huelsenbeck, dada m'dada, dada m'dada dada mhm, dada dera dada, dada Hue, dada Tza. (see link 5) Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the person's reported experiences. (see link 6)
1. First comment, LuLzMrTom
2. 12 Monkeys, Jeffery Goines, movie script
3. Twitter threat
4. Een Doorsnee dag, Henny Oster (dutch), Blog
5. DADA Manifesto
6. Wikipedia
7. Charles Manson Interview
8. Hans Teeuwen, Industry of Love, Sociale Intelligentie
9. Marco Billenberg, video blog